Counterfeit Products

How can I identify authentic Dooney & Bourke products?
Due to the popularity of our brand, counterfeit products are unfortunately a problem. We actively police our brand and take legal action against unauthorized resellers. In order for you to ensure that Dooney & Bourke merchandise is 100% authentic, purchase through the following channels:

We’d like to offer up another friendly rule of thumb when identifying authentic or counterfeit Dooney & Bourke: If a deal from an unknown retailer or social media advertisement sounds too good to be true, then it’s most likely fake.

How can I report counterfeit products, websites, and sellers?
We stand by the integrity of our brand and quality leather goods, and actively prioritize fighting counterfeit products. Please contact us if you witness counterfeit Dooney & Bourke merchandise. You have the right to do so anonymously, and we deeply appreciate any assistance.

Please feel free to contact us with concerns at (800) 347-5000 or contact us.